Sherry Digmon

Grateful for support
Strange doesn’t describe it. Surreal maybe comes close – strange, not seeming real, like a dream. With each new update from state and federal government, life gets to be more surreal as we cope with the coronavirus pandemic. When we finished the April “atmore” magazine last week, we were operating under what we knew deadline day, March 25. Beyond that, we couldn’t foresee what would happen with businesses. Friday, March…
Cabaniss new ECHS principal
Brantley, Rowland not renewed By SHERRY DIGMON News Publisher Public school may not be in session due to the coronavirus pandemic, but the Escambia County Board of Education still has decisions to make. One of the pressing items has been filling the principal’s position at Escambia County High School. At the meeting Thursday, March 18, the board voted unanimously to hire Amy Cabaniss as principal. Cabaniss, a county supervisor who…
Puttin’ on a show
By SHERRY DIGMON News Publisher The Escambia County 4-H & FFA Calf Show & Sale was held Thursday, March 5, at Perdido Farms at Poarch. These young people have been working with their animals for months, preparing for the show and for the sale later in the evening. Exhibitors participated in the following categories: Senior Showmanship Class – Jason Davis, Isaac Bonam, Jacelyn Chunn, Mia Morris, Rowdy Rutherford, Trayce Sells,…
‘The fields are ripe; workers are few’
By SHERRY DIGMON News Publisher The fields are ripe; workers are few. That was the theme for the We Care Program banquet held Friday evening, February 29. The purpose of the evening was two-fold – to accept donations for the program and to appeal to anyone who might be interested in prison chaplaincy. Friday’s banquet meeting began We Care Spring Tour 2020, a two-week road trip. Highlights of the evening…
Byrne visits Atmore
By SHERRY DIGMON News Publisher U.S. Representative Bradley Byrne held a meet and greet Friday afternoon, Feb. 28, at David’s Catfish – just days ahead of Tuesday’s primary (March 3). He faced six other candidates on the Republican ticket, and one of them will face incumbent Democrat Senator Doug Jones in November. Byrne was introduced by Escambia County Sheriff Heath Jackson who said, “Bradley Byrne never forgets who we are.…