Sherry Digmon

School administrators get pay increase
BOE approves personnel changes By SHERRY DIGMON News Publisher The Escambia County Board of Education has met in two special sessions recently – Tuesday, June 30, and Monday, July 6. Special sessions are not unusual this time of year with routine “housekeeping” matters needing attention. At the meeting on July 6, the board approved the salary schedule for all system employees plus approved a “3 percent salary adjustment increase for…
First Assembly hosts ‘Celebration of Freedom’
By SHERRY DIGMON News Publisher The congregation of Atmore First Assembly hosted their 31st annual patriotic presentation “Celebration of Freedom” Sunday, June 28. The program is always held the Sunday before July 4th, and it’s an excellent way to usher in America’s birthday. Each year, veterans are honored in general and a few are selected for individual recognition. This year six veterans were honored. First Assembly Pastor Bro. Don Davis…
Fostering relationships
Pastor Bernard Bishop, left, and Pastor Joshua Long By SHERRY DIGMON News Publisher Two meetings to foster better relations have been held in Atmore over the past few weeks. At the end of the last meeting, a couple of pastors put their words into a plan. Pastor Bernard Bishop, Destiny Worship Center, and Pastor Joshua Long, Unity Baptist Church, struck up a conversation about bridging the gap – the responsibility,…
Setting the story straight
Atmore shrinking? Falling on hard times? Hardly. It all began with an news article posted on June 12, 2020 and printed in the Mobile Press-Register. The article listed the 10 fastest-shrinking cities in Alabama – or at least the 10 which seemed to be shrinking. The author of the article noted “Nearly 60 percent of all Alabama cities and towns lost population between 2010 and 2019, according to new…
White resigns from ACC
Arnold steps up to president White By SHERRY DIGMON News Publisher Loumeek White is one of the founders of Atmore Citizens for Change (ACC) formed in early 2019 and has served as its president since its inception – until last week. ACC is the driving force behind the push for a city school system in Atmore. Although the effort to create the city system began more than a year ago,…