Sherry Digmon

Coach Torrence passes away
Cornell Torrence By SHERRY DIGMONNews Publisher Thursday morning, March 23, Coach Cornell Torrence will be memorialized in the gymnasium that bears his name.Coach Torrence passed away Monday, March 20. Thursday at 11 a.m., a Celebratory Service will be held in the Escambia County High School Cornell Torrence Gymnasium. In February 2015, the Escambia County Board of Education named the gym in honor of Coach Torrence, a testament to a man…
The gift of sight
From left, Michele Collier, Stephanie Alaniz, Nancy Karrick, Bub Gideons, Patty Davis By SHERRY DIGMONNews Publisher Three local organizations joined forces recently to help give the gift of sight – and they appealed to school children and their families to help with this project.The organizations include Delta Kappa Gamma Society (Gamma Omega Chapter in Atmore), Atmore Lions Club and the Escambia County School System.In January, representatives of the Lions Club…
Dr. Seuss Day at RPES
Atmore municipal court clerk Van Hughes with his class By SHERRY DIGMONNews Publisher Up and down the halls, you could hear Green Eggs and Ham; Oh, The Places You’ll Go; The Cat in the Hat, and more from author Dr. Seuss. Friday, March 3, was Dr. Seuss Day reader event at Rachel Patterson Elementary School, and a number of folks from the community came by to read to individual classes.Readers…
RPES celebrates Black History
LaTia Wright recites “Hey Black Child” James Wilson Jr., left, and Terry Allen served as Directors of Order By SHERRY DIGMONNews Publisher Rachel Patterson Elementary School second-grades presented this year’s Black History program Friday, February 24.James Wilson Jr. and Terry Allen served as Directors of Order. Leading the Pledge of Allegiance were Steven Banks, Jeremiah Dirden, Lillie Kate O’Brien, and Ayden West.Ryla Crayton and Melanie Williams presented the Welcome.LaTia Wright…
ECMS appreciates Black History
At the program, from left, Coleman Wallace, Karean Reynolds, Forrest Jones, Catadro North, George Brown The ECMS Band performs under the direction of Michael Williams By SHERRY DIGMONNews Publisher The theme of Escambia County Middle School’s Black History program was “Thanking the Past As We Live in the Present.”Celebrating accomplishments by Black Americans, students indeed blended past and present.Student Sa’Riyah Jones served as Master of Ceremonies.The program began with a…