
Serving for Eugene

On the serving line, from left, Bernice Caraway, Belinda McMullen, Kim Tyree, Cheyenne Ikner, Vicki Day, Haley Leachman, Madalynn Grimsley.

A benefit was held Saturday, September 9, at Huxford Elementary School for Eugene Caraway who is battling cancer. Eugene and his wife Kim were not able to be there, but friends and family and the community turned out to help and to support the effort.

There were fish and chicken plates, a silent auction, a cake auction, and warm fellowship.

But that’s not the whole story.

The first person on the serving line was Bernice Caraway, Eugene’s sister-in-law and widow of Eugene’s brother Larry who passed away suddenly in August.

Larry was to be tested to be a bone marrow donor for Eugene.