
Letter to the Editor

Volunteering benefits everyone

Dear Editor,
Having recently retired from a 10-year volunteer stint with the Pride of Atmore, I would like to share with our community what it means, and how important it is, to be a volunteer in our wonderful town.
Over the past 25 years, I have witnessed a remarkable turnaround in Atmore. An incredible rebirth in community pride, economic growth, and an embracing of the diversity and inclusion of all our citizens.
These very positive changes have in part been brought about by a dedicated group of volunteers, local government leadership, and an influx of small businesses and a huge investment by our local Poarch Creek Indians. Atmore is not perfect. There are still plenty of areas that need improvement. We still have a long way to go to improve our local schools, fight poverty and crime, and continue to provide new employment opportunities.
Being a volunteer can help provide solutions to our negative issues and also focus on new opportunities, and assist our local non-profit organizations that have been so instrumental in Atmore’s renaissance of recovery.
I have proudly served on many non-profit boards, and primarily focused on the restoration and renovation of the Strand Theatre and the old Atmore Hardware store (now called Encore) with the Pride of Atmore. The satisfaction received by volunteering can only be described as life changing and so very rewarding.
There are many benefits of volunteering. Researching this topic, I came across an article written by Stacey Buttel and Amer Krosel. This article lists ten reasons to volunteer.

  1. Provides you with a sense of purpose
  2. Provides a sense of community
  3. Helps you meet new friends
  4. Increases your social skills
  5. Improves self-esteem
  6. Teaches you valuable skills
  7. Provides job prospects
  8. Brings joy and fun into your life
  9. Can help you be happier
  10. Gets you out of your comfort zone
    If you think you are too old to volunteer think again. Most of the volunteers for the Pride of Atmore (The Encore and Strand Theatre) are over 60 and some are in their 80s and the majority all have full-time jobs.
    If you need a suggested opportunity to volunteer, here are just a few in the Atmore area that always need volunteers:
    The Pride of Atmore
    Main Street Atmore
    The Lions Club
    The Rotary Club
    Atmore Historical Society
    The Yellow Hat Society
    Atmore Community Foundation
    Atmore Historical Commission
    Atmore Food Pantry [Atmore Area Christian Care Ministry]
    Atmore Red Cross
    Your local church
    Atmore Area Chamber of Commerce
    To become a volunteer, your age does not matter, your prior experience does [not] matter, what does matter is your desire to help our community, to get involved, and your willingness to show up. And, it costs nothing but your time.
    Please consider becoming a volunteer today. It is a decision you will never regret.
    Foster Kizer
    Atmore, Ala.