
Thank You, Alabama

Congressman Jerry Carl

As my time representing Alabama’s First Congressional District in Washington comes to an end, I have been reflecting on why I ran for Congress and some of the things my team and I have done for south Alabama.
I never thought I’d end up running for political office, much less for Congress. I spent most of my life building businesses, growing my family, and doing what I could to give back to my community. My wife Tina and I had a great life. Then, I got frustrated with the direction of our government and the decisions of our leaders at the time, so I decided to get involved and try to make a difference.
When I first got to Washington, a former colleague of mine told us freshman how fortunate we were to be serving in the U.S. Congress. He warned us all that the first day we didn’t feel humbled walking into the U.S. Capitol building was the day we should retire and go home. This mentality stuck with me, and it helped me focus on why I was there and what I needed to get done for the folks back home.
I’m proud of the accomplishments my team and I have made during my time in Washington. We’ve written and passed legislation to unleash American energy, protect Alabama’s resources, reduce the size and scope of the federal government, and return millions of tax dollars back home for important infrastructure projects, education and workforce training, rural health care, and so much more.
We’ve also helped countless veterans get the benefits they earned, recovered millions of dollars from the IRS, expedited hundreds of passport requests, secured FEMA disaster relief after natural disasters, and protected small businesses from unnecessary red tape.
To the folks in Alabama’s First Congressional District: Thank you for giving me the chance to represent you and bring our shared south Alabama values to Washington. I do not take lightly the job each of you has entrusted me to do, and I am grateful to each of you for giving me this opportunity.
The future of south Alabama, our entire state, and this nation are so bright, and I truly believe our best days are ahead. God bless Alabama and God bless America.