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One of the members said the church is not the building. The church is the people. And the people were determined to be the church Sunday morning as members and friends of First Presbyterian Church gathered Sunday morning at 10:30 for a prayer service and a time of fellowship.
The church burned Saturday night, but Sunday morning, a church service was held in the parking lot. The seats were not padded pews but folding chairs from First Methodist Church across the street. Several members of FMC prayed with this congregation then walked across the street for their worship service as FPC members remained for fellowship and to comfort each other.
FPC Interim Pastor Jim Dietz said this was a hard time for everyone.
“We are told to rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep. Many are weeping today.”
Dietz said the congregation would follow Job’s example and continuously worship.
He thanked those who came to be with the FPC congregation – thanking them for their ministry of presence.
“Lord, it looks like ashes right now,” he said, “but from the ashes will come something new.”’
Rev. Mike von Keyserling, FMC, prayed, “Although our hearts might mourn the loss of this beautiful church, remind us that we are Your church. We are Your children, and You will protect us through this. Let the church gather in support and encouragement. We continue to praise You.”
Another church neighbor also paid tribute to the First Presbyterian congregation’s plight, as the tones of “It Is Well with My Soul” rang out from the chimes of First Baptist Church as the parking-lot service came to an end.