Special to Atmore News
The Atmore Lions Club was called to order by President Lion Joyce Petty on January 15, in the Mayson Auditorium of Atmore Community Hospital. Lion Joyce led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and gave the blessing.
Lion Gregg Akins introduced Bill Gilmore as our speaker for the program. Gilmore, who is from Baldwin County, is the Marketing Manager for Medstar, and used the meeting as an opportunity to go to the office for the helicopter group on the grounds of the hospital and say hello to the staff there. He explained how the flying services Medstar offers work and also how to get a membership to get help in time of need. Medstar is not just a local organization but has 320 locations in 38 of the United States. They also have an international component for those who travel out of the United States.
Lion Joyce gave an update on the February 21-22, 2025, District Convention which will be held in Atmore and asked members to sign up for specific times to help with the many tasks needed to ensure a smooth convention. She also announced the State Lions Convention in Montgomery April 24-27, 2025.
The next meeting will be held on February 5, 2025.