Special to Atmore News
The Atmore Lions Club met November 2, in the fellowship hall of First Baptist Church with President Lion Chuck Brooks presiding. Lion Chuck asked Lion Dr. Kevin Garrett to give the blessing. In the absence of a flag, members uniquely watched a video of an American flag waving as they said the Pledge of Allegiance.
Lion Patty Davis reported that Lions had over $1,000 in mop and broom sales at Williams Station Day, money which will be used for eyeglasses.
Lion Kenny Smith gave a report on the food drive held October 29 in the Walmart parking lot – 664 pounds of food and $184.25 in donations were collected.
Lion Nancy Karrick requested Lions eyeglasses collection boxes for February which will be used in a school-wide glasses collection drive in Atmore. This will be a combined Lions and Delta Kappa Gamma project
Lion Leslie Henderson set up the first work station for the Christmas float and urged all members to help when they could.
Lion Brooks recognized Lion Garrett and congratulated him on his new book which has just been published. Garrett also told the group about a special program at First Baptist Church on December 4 when Gordon Mote will be in a Christmas concert.
Lion Candice Wooten introduced Mayor Jim Staff who addressed the group on the status of some of the departments in Atmore. Staff also answered questions from members of the audience.
Eighteen members were present.