HIPPY (Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool Youngsters) held their group meeting Friday October 14, at the Atmore Public Library. Director Hope Lassiter read a story about fall, then everyone made a fall wreath with fall colored leaves. Shown are, from left, front, Ziva and James Mcilwain, Manny Gifford, Avayah Mcilwain, Layla Rollin, Jordan Booker; middle, Morgan Brynn and Easton Boone, Hillary Griffis, Jocie Gifford, Brittany, Michael, Mercy and Stewart Turner, Cheyenne and Ezra Brock; back, Cathy Casanova, APL Director Hope Lassiter, HIPPY Team Leader Vicki Bishop, HIPPY Home Instructor Tammie Lassiter, HIPPY Coordinator Shannon Kern, HIPPY Home Instructory Hattie Curry, Shay Rollin.Middle Row: Morgan Brynn and Easton Boone, Hillary Griffis, Jocie Gifford, Brittany.