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Judging by the attendance at a preliminary meeting last week, a Kiwanis Club for Atmore is a go.
More than 30 people interested in starting an Atmore club attended an informational meeting Friday, July 15. Several members of area Kiwanis Clubs – Bay Minette and Monroeville – and state officers attended to talk about the club, answer questions and pledge support.
Among the officers was Lt. Governor Alisha Linam Bowen of the Monroeville Club. Alisha is especially excited about a club in Atmore because she is an Atmore native. She is an immediate past president and lieutenant governor of Kiwanis International, and has served as president of the Monroeville Club.
Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time. “Kids Need Kiwanis” is a common theme on Kiwanis literature and website.
Members from other clubs talked about several projects they’ve done to benefit kids.
The audience included a number of business people, private citizens and educators.