Special to Atmore News
The Atmore Lions Club held its final meeting of the calendar year on June 15 in the Mayson Auditorium of Atmore Community Hospital.
President Lion Taylor Lee presided and led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Lion Chuck Brooks gave the blessing. Sixteen members and three guests were present for the installation of officers which was conducted by Atmore club member and First Vice District Governor Lion Bub Gideons.
June 28 was the date chosen by members to cook and serve food at Camp Smile, a Cerebral Palsy camp in Mobile, and July 26 for Camp Seal Harris, which serves children with diabetes.
President Lee announced that Candace Wooten was selected as the Atmore Lion of the Year and was presented a plaque. Lion Taylor Lee was presented a plaque as outgoing president.
New officers are Chuck Brooks, president; Renee Hardy, 2nd vice president; Candace Wooten, Secretary; Jennifer White, Membership Chairman; Greg Akins, assistant Membership Chairman; Anna Marie Gilchrist, Club Service Chairman; Anne Hetzel, Communications & Marketing; Patty Davis, Eyesight Chairman; Talerie McGhee, Tail Twister; Sara Smith, Lion Tamer; Nancy Karrick, At-Large Director.