Since the creation of the Jewish state of Israel in 1948, the United States and Israel have enjoyed a strong, close partnership. In fact, President Harry Truman was the first world leader to recognize Israel as a legitimate Jewish state on May 14, 1948, just 11 minutes after its creation.
Israel is our most important ally in the region, and I’m proud to be a staunch supporter of them. This week, I’m in Israel with Leader Kevin McCarthy and a handful of colleagues for an educational seminar to learn more about some of the most difficult issues facing Israel and the surrounding region. Israel is facing serious issues like security threats to their northern and southern borders and the threat of a nuclear Iran, but they also have some positive opportunities resulting from recent peace agreements between Israel and several Arab states, plus the ongoing possibility of peace with Palestinians.
While here, we are meeting with members of the Israeli Knesset and the Palestinian Authority, U.S. government officials, military leaders, heads of non-governmental organizations, as well as academics and journalists. These meetings give us firsthand insight into Israel’s challenges and opportunities so we can learn how the United States can better support Israel and work to promote peace in the region.
Israel faces a constant threat from Hamas, Iran, and many other bad actors in the region. Hamas, for example, has a history of firing rockets at Israelis (both Jews and Arabs alike) with the intent of promoting conflict, hatred, and violence in deliberate attempts to kill Israeli civilians. This is one reason why the United States has remained committed to supporting Israeli defense programs such as the Iron Dome, which keeps Israel safe from these unwarranted attacks.
It’s also critical we do not enter another terrible Iran Nuclear Deal like the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) that President Obama entered us into (and President Trump later withdrew from). This is why just a few days ago, I joined 160 of my House Republican colleagues to demand the Biden administration hold Iran accountable instead of entering into a new deal with them. Iran can never be allowed to obtain nuclear weapons.
Because of constant terror threats from bad actors who wish to wipe Israel off the map, the United States must continue leading to promote peace in the region. This peace will only happen by continuing to support Israel’s security and standing against the aggression of Iran and terrorist groups such as Hamas. Israel is a crucial ally in the war on terror and they continually provide us with key intelligence against terrorist activity around the globe. A strong and secure Israel is critical to regional and global security, and I will continue doing all I can to support and defend Israel.