Atmore News

Lions welcome two new members
By NANCY KARRICKSpecial to Atmore News The Atmore Lions Club held its last meeting of the month on November 17, in the Mayson Auditorium at Atmore Community Hospital.Lion Taylor Lee called the meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. The blessing was given by Walt Butler. Jennifer Sanders and Nancy Martin were welcomed as guests. Lion Bub Gideons introduced Past District Governor Claudia Wigglesworth who…
Shoeboxes on the way
Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child wrapped up here Monday, November 22, as trucks were loaded. Counties in this region are Escambia, 2,721 boxes; Conecuh, 296 boxes; and Monroe, 2,889 boxes – for a total of 5,906. Shown at the truck Monday are, from left, front, Ruth Ann Kulp, Janet Armstrong, Julia Strack, Randy Mancil, Nancie Schad, Marcus Shumack, Jenny Shumack; back, members of the youth group, Amanda Miller, Tyler Miller,…
Memories of the Strand Theater
By SANDY HELTONSpecial to Atmore News Wow … the memories of growing up in Atmore! My Papa John Hale worked for Fountain Prison, Granny (Mittie) worked at Bedsole’s and I was quick to learn she had a charge account! Got into a bit of trouble, but I was always the best dressed at Sunday School. (Granny didn’t ground me … I was the only grandchild. Then!)Our Friday and Saturday nights…
Obituaries, week of November 24, 2021
George Duncan Mahony, Jr. Mahony Mr. George Duncan Mahony, Jr., age 78, of Atmore, Ala., passed away Monday, November 15, 2021.  He was born in Victoria, Texas to George D. Mahony, Sr. and Julia Bell Mahony.  He served in the United States Navy and was a welder by trade.  He was preceded in death by his parents and his brother, Peter Mahony.  Mr. Mahony is survived by his wife, Lois…
6th straight trip
Escambia Academy plays for AISA Class AA title on Friday By DON FLETCHERNews Staff Writer Williams Station Day, Halloween and various fall festivals are long-standing traditions in and around Atmore. Another autumn tradition needs to be added to the list.Escambia Academy’s football team is making its sixth straight trip to an AISA championship game. And had not Chambers Academy broken the string last year, EA’s opponent for this Friday’s (November…