News Staff Report
The Escambia County Board of Education voted Monday, September 20, to extend the mask requirement in schools until October 29, 2021.
Masks / face coverings be worn while inside school facilities during the school day. Masks are not required for outside activities such as PE and athletics.
All students, regardless of age or vaccination status, who utilize Escambia County School buses for transportation, are required to wear masks. This is a mandate issued by the Federal Department of Transportation.
The mask requirement will remain in effect through October 29, 2021. At that time, the Covid-19 situation and trend will be reassessed.
Sherry Digmon took the oath of office to serve the remainder of David Nolin’s term for District 6. Nolin passed away September 2. The board approved Digmon’s appointment September 7.
State Senator Greg Albritton presented tax refund checks (totaling $20,000) to the board and to county high school principals. Each received $5,000. Accepting the checks were Amy Cabaniss, Escambia County High School; George Brown, Flomaton High School; Todd Williamson, W.S. Neal High School.
The board approved the following personnel recommendations made by Superintendent Michele McClung.
Leave of absence
1. Sabrina Dialey, 6-hour lunchroom worker, Rachel Patterson Elementary School, medical leave of absence, effective August 4, 2021 through September 13, 2021
1. Joann Delillo, LPN / special education instructional aide, Escambia County High School, effective September 10, 2021
2. Johnathan Kent, social studies teacher, Escambia County High School, effective September 15, 2021
3. Angela Rowe, special education teacher, Escambia County Middle School, effective August 31, 2021
4. Alyssa Williams, 7-hour lunchroom worker, Pollard McCall Junior High School, effective September 16, 2021
5. April Parker, instructional aide, W.S. Neal Middle School, effective September 15, 2021
2.Melanie Rowland, teacher aide, Flomaton Elementary School, to teacher aide, Flomaton High School, effective October 1, 2021
1. Jacob Butler, director of career and technical education, Escambia County Board of Education, effective September 21, 2021 (replacing Spencer Williamson)
2. Nicole Spottswood, elementary curriculum & instruction supervisor, Escambia County Board of Education, effective October 1, 2021 (replacing Courtney McBride)
3. Clarence Brooks, health teacher, Escambia County High School, effective September 8, 2021 (replacing Kasuan Bullard)
4. Wendy Stafford, part-time (retired) speech / language pathologist, Escambia County Middle School, effective, September 21, 2021
5. Melissa Ingram, special education aide, Escambia County Middle School, effective October 4, 2021
6. Rebecca O’Neil, part-time (retired) academic interventionist, Flomaton Elementary School, effective September 21, 2021
7. Toni Jones, special education teacher, Huxford Elementary School, effective October 4, 2021 (replacing Elizabeth Chaloux)
8. Dawn Malone, part-time (retired) academic interventionist, Huxford Elementary School, effective September 21, 2021
9. Peggy Nelson, Office Aide, W.S. Neal Elementary School, to work up to an additional two (2) off contract days, effective August 2, 2021 through August 3, 2021 (Paid at her daily rate with local funds)
10. Cimmaron Wilson, office aide, W.S. Neal Elementary School, to work up to an additional two (2) off contract days, effective August 2, 2021 through August 3, 2021 (paid at her daily rate with local funds)
11. Suzanne Brown, special education aide, W.S. Neal High School, effective September 21, 2021
12. Nickolas Lambeth, bus driver, Atmore Bus Shop, effective September 3, 2021 (replacing Floyd Seale)
13. Jack Floyd, technology technician, ECS Technology Department, effective October 1, 2021 (replacing Willie Fantroy)
14. Amie Kramer, secretary / receptionist, Atmore Central Office, effective September 27, 2021 (replacing Peggy Rowley)
15. Carolyn Settle, office aide, Escambia Career Readiness Center, effective September 27, 2021 (replacing Tracy Jernigan Salter)
Employment change
1. Tara Ross, Science Teacher, Escambia County Alternative School, to elementary teacher, Flomaton Elementary School, effective October 11, 2021 (replacing Leigh Ann Rowland)
2. Maegan Salter, elementary teacher, Flomaton Elementary School, to ARI reading specialist, Flomaton Elementary School, effective September 21, 2021 (replacing Gina Nall)
1. Quaunhntel Hill, custodian, Rachel Patterson Elementary School, effective September 21, 2021 (replacing Charles Jackson)