Special to Atmore News
The Atmore Lions Club held its second meeting of the month on August 18 at Atmore Community Hospital, and also virtually. Three members chose to use the virtual method to attend.
In the absence of the president, Vice President Chuck Brooks presided. Lion Kevin Garrett gave the invocation and blessing and Lion Chuck led the Pledge of Allegiance.
The speaker for the program was Ashley Strawbridge, Infectious Disease Coordinator at Atmore Community Hospital. Her topic was certainly timely – Covid. She commented that 85 percent of those currently in the local hospital with Covid are unvaccinated. She discussed treatment for the virus, lack of beds, and staffing concerns. Though not stated directly, one might infer from her comments that vaccination is the key and more people need to have them to protect themselves, their family, and others in the community.
Lion Chuck had one major point of business to conduct. Our treasurer has a new job which makes attending meetings difficult. Because of this, Candace Wooden was nominated and elected as the new treasurer, to take over immediately.
Members were reminded of Taste of the South, trash pick up, Williams Station Day, and the state convention which will be held in Atmore. Members also voted to include time spent as a volunteer for other organizations in their Lions Club volunteer hours. Voting on these issues was done in-person and by zoom.