Special to Atmore News
Harris Street Apostolic Overcoming Holy Church of God Inc. installed their new pastor, Elder Gary W. Whitley of Columbus, Ga., on Sunday, June 27.
Pastor Whitley is a native of Los Angeles, Calif. The only child born to the union of Mr. and Mrs. Norman and Venus Whitley (both deceased). He is the father of three children: Genesis, Ryan and Nicholas; one grandson, Kyng. Pastor Whitley has retired from the United States Army after 22 years of service.
He accepted the Jesus Christ as his personal savior at the age of 17. He began preaching the gospel at age 29. Pastor Whitley united with the Apostolic Overcoming Holy (AOH) Church of God in 1999 at Grace Temple AOH Church of God under the leadership of Bishop W.D. Williams.
Over the years he has served in the church in many different capacities: trustee, Sunday School teacher, chief of staff, assistant pastor, pastor and Overseer.
Pastor Whitley has pastored in the cities of Covington, Ga.; Forsyth Ga.; Columbus, Ga.; Velburg, Germany, and currently in the Great City of Atmore, Ala. at the Harris Street AOH Church of God Inc.
Pastor Whitley has a passion for souls and the people of God. Although his life is filled with joy and laughter, he means business when it comes to leading the sheep and lambs of Jesus Christ.
His moto is “Real People, With Real Issues, Serving a Real God!”
The Harris Street AOH Church services are as follow: Thursday Night Bible Study at 7 p.m., Sunday School at 9:30 a.m., and Sunday Morning Service at 11:15 a.m.
Everyone is welcome.