
Business receives first Main Street Atmore Facade Grant

At the presentation, from left, Niki Bryan, Sara Smith, Dale Ash

Main Street Atmore Executive Director Niki Bryan has presented the first Main Street Atmore Façade Grant to Sara Smith, owner of Hawt Mess, located in the old Radio Shak building. The funds were applied to the new sign on the building.
Joining Bryan for the presentation Friday, June 4, was Main Street Atmore board member Dale Ash.
The Façade Incentive Program is funded and administered by Main Street Atmore. Funds are available for exterior improvements only and may be applied to a front, side or rear Façade provided tade faces a public street or public parking area.
The program is designed to give property owners and business owners financial assistance for Façade improvement.
Bryan said a public meeting will be announced soon to provide more information and how to apply for the grant.