Special to Atmore News
The Atmore Lions Club met at the Atmore Country Club on Wednesday, October 21.
Lion Brandy Giger, president, called the meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Lion Nancy Karrick gave the invocation. Kevin Garrett was presented his Lions Club pin in recognition of his membership with the club. Samantha Bennett was introduced as a guest.
Following a delicious lasagna lunch, Lion Giger updated the group on Lions projects. Paint the Town is continuing with pink bows being made available to support Breast Cancer Awareness. Lion Mandie Thompson presented the idea of Lions Kindness Coins as a way to thank citizens for their acts of kindness. These coins are a Lions International project and are being introduced to our area. Lion Giger had some of the coins for members to see.
A schedule of workers for Williams Station Day was passed around for the sale of Lions Club mops and brooms and also for the food drive to be held November 7. Two other projects were discussed: a spaghetti supper fundraiser for St. Jude at David’s Catfish on April 12, 2021, and the December 12 Christmas parade.
The meeting was adjourned shortly before 1.