Special to Atmore News
Alabama Lions offered its members a chance to attend a Virtual Leadership Conference on August 8 and 22 for three hours each day. This virtual version replaced the cancelled Alabama Lions Leadership Conference.
The first day, which was attended by Atmore Lions Renee Hardy, Mandie Thompson, Bub Gideons, and Nancy Karrick, covered the topics of Rejuvenating Districts with New Clubs, Revitalizing Clubs with New Members, and Re-motivating Members with New Exciting Service Projects and Fellowship. Also discussed were benefits of membership, both to the club and to its members, and how to recruit new members.
The five Global Causes of Lions – vision, childhood cancer, diabetes, hunger, and environment – were presented with ideas of ways to implement each.
The second meeting, which was attended by Mandie Thompson and Nancy Karrick, was pointed toward club presidents and advised them of ways to have a successful presidency. Zone chairs learned the importance of their role in the district and to chapters in those districts.
Finally, the last session explained the process of developing leaders to the point where they could take on state leadership roles and progress to the international level if they desired.
Characteristics of a good Lions Club were presented as were tips for an effective meeting.
Anyone interested in information about becoming a Lions Club member, please contact Membership Chairman Nancy Karrick, at nancyk1@hotmail.com.