Note: The following announcement was submitted by the candidate.
Today I am announcing my intention to become the next City Council member representing the citizens of District 4.
I was born in Atmore, grew up around the country and the world. My father was career Army. My family roots run deep in the Atmore/Bratt area, back several generations.
I graduated from ECHS in 1969, voted “Most School Spirit” that year. I still have that love for our High School. I attended the University of Alabama and Troy University and graduated with degrees in Business Management, Resources Management, Military Science and graduate studies in International Relations.
I am a graduate of the Army’s Command and General Staff College, the Combined Arms and Staff Services School and the Senior Logistics School. I served as a draftee, Company Commander, Battalion Commander, Embedded Training Team leader and Senior staff member, retiring in 2011 at the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.
In my civilian life I served as a bagger, paper delivery, shelve stocker, Store Manager, Supervisor, Retail Operations Manager and retired as a General Manger.
I met and married Betty Porter in 1973 and we have 2 two children, with two marvelous grandchildren. Betty and I are members of the First Presbyterian Church of Atmore where I currently serve as an Elder. I am a Lifetime Member of the Veteran’s of Foreign Wars.
It is time for me to bring my experience, education and leadership experience to the Atmore City Council. I will represent the citizens of District 4 with open dialogue, honesty and integrity. I look forward to serving the district.
Thank You,
Larry C. Houck