Community News

Lions pin new member

Special to Atmore News

The Atmore Lions Club held its first meeting of November on November 7, 2019, at the Atmore Country Club.
Lions President Bub Gideons called the meeting to order and Lion Patty Davis gave the invocation. Following the Pledge, Gideons introduced guests present. Lion Linda Ziglar, Global Service Chairman from Gulf Shores, assisted Gideons in pinning Leslie Henderson as a new member. She also discussed the idea of having a diabetes Strides Walk at the district meeting which will be held March 27-28 at The Club in Atmore.
A report on the Christmas / birthday program to be held December 3 was given by Lion Nancy Karrick. Members were urged to participate in the food drive they are sponsoring at Walmart’s parking lot this coming weekend. Lion Taylor Helton reported that Atmore Lions will be sponsoring a Leo Club at Escambia County High School with the first meeting scheduled for mid-November. Over 50 applications were handed out at the information meeting at the high school.