Special to Atmore News
The Atmore Lions Club met Wednesday, July 17, in the Mayson Auditorium of Atmore Community Hospital.
Lion President Bub Gideons called the meeting to order. Lion Audrey Moon gave the invocation and blessing, followed by the group saying the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag.
Brittney Flowers was introduced as a guest.
A short business meeting followed lunch. Committee reports were given and the announcement of August 7 and 21 meetings to be held at the Atmore Country Club. Members will need to RSVP to either President Gideons or Lion Shane Hadley in order to reserve a meal.
Plaques were shown to members of three years of Cal Ripkin baseball teams which the Atmore Lions Club sponsored. This has been an ongoing project of the club for 50 years and makes Lions the longest continuous sponsor in Atmore. The club was also awarded the Alabama 200 Bicentennial pin, the Centennial Service Challenge patch, and the Centennial Service to Diabetes patch by Lions Clubs International.
Lion Shane Hadley was congratulated upon his appointment as Zone Chair for Zone 7.
Zone Chair Hadley installed the new officers who were present. They included Bub Gideons as President, Candace Wooten as Marketing Communications Chairman, Anna Marie Gilchrist as Eyesight Chairman, Shane Hadley as Secretary and also Tail Twister and Zone Chair; Renee Hardy as Service Chairman, and Patty Davis and Richard Maxwell as At Large Directors.
Past President Candace Wooten received a plaque for her service to Atmore Lions Club as president by the new president, Bub Gideons.