Improvements expected to take more than 2 months

News Publisher
Parking, which is sometimes in short supply in the Trammell Street parking lot, is about to become non-existent, at least for about 10 weeks.
The Trammell Street parking lot will be closed from Monday, July 8, until around September 20. If you visit or work at Atmore News, the Tot Shop, Escambia Drug Store, We Care Thrift Shop, certain United Bank offices, Gather and the Greater Escambia Council for the Arts, you will be affected.
The September 20 completion date is, of course, determined by weather and other unforeseen factors.
According to information released by the city, the work will include complete demolition and reconstruction of the asphalt parking lot, concrete curb and gutter, and sidewalks.
The work is necessary in order to provide positive drainage away from the buildings toward Trammell Street, larger and easier access to parking stalls, eight additional parking spaces, and new smooth asphalt surface with new striping.
The parking lot will be completely closed to traffic during a major portion of the project.
Neighboring business owners, tenants and their customers are encouraged to park along the west side of Trammell Street, West Church Street, South Main Street, and the parking area near the railroad tracks.
The work will be done by TripTek Construction, LLC.