Special to Atmore News
The Atmore Lions Club held its second meeting of the month April 17, in the Mayson Auditorium of Atmore Community Hospital.
Lion Candace Wooten called the meeting to order and Lion Nancy Karrick said the blessing.
Announcements included information on the July 23 date when Lions will cook and serve for diabetic campers at Camp Seale Harris and notification of the golf tournament which will be held May 16.
A sign-up sheet was also passed around for volunteers to man the Lions Club booth of mop and broom sales at Mayfest.
Lion Patty Davis introduced Assistant Superintendent of Education for Escambia County Beth Drew as our speaker. Ms. Drew highlighted the schools in Atmore and gave a list of outstanding things about each school. Included were Huxford, Rachael Patterson, Escambia County Middle School, and Escambia County High School. Ms. Drew discussed school population at each location, number of certified teachers and staff, extracurricular programs offered, testing, and subjects students could choose to take as electives. A question and answer period followed her presentation.