Special to Atmore News
The Atmore Public Library will host Alabama native Sarah Bliss Wright Wednesday, April 10, as she presents Alabama Cotton and Bemis Bags, Pieced into Quilt History. The program will begin at 11 a.m.
Ms. Wright spent 30 years in performing arts before quilts captured her attention. Though she grew up surrounded by quilts, it was not until 2006 that the idea of turning her talents to textile art was born. A crazy quilt she made from her late father’s silk neckties ignited a desire to add quilting to her creative pursuits. Serious study of quilt history began after a serendipitous meeting of fellow Alabamian Mary Elizabeth Johnson Huff, well-known author of numerous quilt books.
Ms. Wright holds a BA in Psychology from Samford University in Birmingham and studied at the University of Exeter, England as a Rotary International Fellow. She is curator for “Our Quilted Past,” an exhibit of Alabama feedsack quilts and Bemis Bro. Bag Company, and her research on the subject is published in Uncoverings 2013.
A member of the American Quilt Study Group, Ms. Wright lives in Mobile.