Several members of the Atmore Memorial VFW Auxiliary to Post 7016 and the three winners in the Auxiliary’s Young American Creative Patriotic Art Contest gathered Monday night, July 17, to judge the entries in the Summer Patriotic Art Poster Contest.
Twenty-one posters were submitted. Following Monday night’s judging, winners will be contacted and invited to attend the presentation of prize money Monday, July 31, 10 a.m., at Atmore City Hall.
The winners of the Young American Art Contest who judged the posters are Ariell Fain, Taija Floyd, and Neelee Harrison. VFW Auxiliary members attending the judging are Kathy Blackburn, Arlene Delafosse, Becky Ray, and Ginger Stabler.
All winning posters will be on display in the lobby of City Hall from July 31 through August 31. After August 31, all posters will be distributed to veteran facilities throughout the state and to active duty servicemen and women.