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VFW Auxiliary holding patriotic art scholarship contest
VFW Auxiliary# 7016 of Atmore announces the kick-off of the VFW Auxiliary’s annual Young American Creative Patriotic Art Contest. Local students in grades 9-12 have the opportunity to compete for $21,000 in national scholarships. Students must submit an original piece of artwork on paper or canvas. Water color, pencil, pastel, charcoal, tempera, crayon, acrylic, pen and ink, or oil may be used. Digital art is not accepted. The entry must…
FNB&T receives 5-Star Rating
BauerFinancial, the nation’s premier bank rating firm, has announced that First National Bank & Trust has attained its highest 5-Star superior rating. A 5-Star rating indicates that First National Bank & Trust is one of the strongest banks in the nation. Karen Dorway, president of BauerFinancial, commended FNB&T for maintaining a strong capital position while fulfilling its commitment to solving the financial needs of their community. “Community banks aren’t pushing…
Chamber banquet coming up
The Atmore Area Chamber of Commerce 71st Annual Meeting is set for Thursday, January 26, at The Club. Social hour and silent auction will be at 5:30, with dinner at 6:30. This year, the Chamber is sponsoring a split-the-pot drawing with 100 tickets being sold for $100 each. Note that only 100 tickets will be sold. The drawing will be held the night of the banquet. The deadline is fast…
Food scores released
The following Escambia County food / lodging establishment ratings were released by the Alabama Department of Public Health for December. Ratings are ranked by score, low to high. FSE = Food Service Establishment Subway #26660 – Hwy. 113, Brewton , 85, FSE Lil Angels Infants and Toddlers, Atmore, 85, daycare food service Diamond Gasoline Station #7, Hwy. 113, Brewton, 86, FSE Maw Maw’s Country Kitchen, Flomaton, 89, FSE Diamond #23,…
A bipartisan vote to stand with Israel
By Congressman Bradley Byrne The United States has no stronger ally than Israel. Our relationship has always been strong, both economically and militarily. Israel plays an especially important role in helping us combat radical Islamic terrorism in the Middle East. In other words, Israel serves as a beacon of hope, freedom, and opportunity in a very dangerous part of the world. That is why support for Israel has always been…