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Scams a’plenty in area, across state
Residents of Atmore and Escambia County have reported on Facebook the possibility of a scam involving an alleged housecleaning company, Alabama law enforcement officials have reported a ruse involving gift cards, and the state’s top lawyer has warned that calls from his office demanding money are also part of a racket. A person who lives in the Robinsonville area recently posted on Facebook that “this lady knocked on my door…
Fla. ‘Arrive Alive’ initiative under way
The Florida Highway Patrol (FHP), a division of the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (DHSMV), is currently conducting Arrive Alive, a data-driven statewide initiative seeking to reduce fatalities and serious bodily injury crashes on Florida’s roadways. Arrive Alive is a partnership between various highway safety, law enforcement and engineering entities including the Florida Sheriffs’ Association, Florida Police Chiefs’ Association, Florida Department of Transportation, Federal Motor Carrier Safety…
Sonic coming!
If Atmore’s mayor and city council members went home hungry after Monday’s meeting (January 23), there’s a good reason. The city’s governing body spent less than five minutes, including the invocation and Pledge of Allegiance, on a two-item agenda, with both items involving food. First, the council voted unanimously (4-0) to authorize Mayor Jim Staff to “execute and deliver” a warranty deed to SDI Investments LLC, as assignee of Alabama…
Storms … again
Atmore has seen its share of bad weather lately. Although lines of storms came through over the weekend, Atmore was spared much of the damage other areas suffered. However, there were isolated cases here, such as this van crushed under a fallen tree on School Street. Firefighters Daniel White, Zack Stewart, Shane Rollin and Chief Ron Peebles cut the tree away Monday morning. News photo by Tom Tschida
Rosa Parks Breakfast planned
Every year, a group of area citizens gather to honor the memory of Rosa Parks (February 4, 1913 – October 24, 2005), considered to be the Mother of the Modern-Day Civil Rights Movement. They meet for breakfast and a program on a Saturday near her birthday. Selma Mayor Darrio Melton is the guest speaker for this year’s Rosa Parks breakfast to be held Saturday, February 4, at 9 a.m., in…