EditorialSubmitted Article

Inside the Statehouse
By Steve Flowers Well, folks, the field is set for the sprint to fill the open U.S. Senate seat of Jeff Sessions. The primary is less than three months away on August 15. There will probably be a run-off on September 26 and the winner of that GOP run-off will be our Junior Senator from Alabama. In the Heart of Dixie, winning the Republican nomination is tantamount to election. The…
Memorial Day
By Harvey H. (“Hardy”) Jackson On Memorial Day I think of Max Gillis. I never met him. All I have is the picture in an old copy of Clarkala, the yearbook published by Clarke County High School. There he is. Forever young, handsome, dark wavy hair, looking out at the world of 1931 with all the confidence of an about-to-graduate senior. Under his name they listed his accomplishments. “President of…
An open letter To Governor Kay Ivey
By Larry Lee Governor: Just a month ago the Alabama political landscape was turned upside down and you suddenly found yourself moving from the State House to the Governor’s office in the Capitol. Like thousands across the state, I have been sending up prayers that you meet each new day with clarity of purpose and resolve to make the lives of your fellow citizens better. You are carefully weighing decisions and appointments…
Inside the Statehouse
By Steve Flowers The race for our open U.S. Senate seat will be the marquee political event for the remainder of this year. It will be a great show. However, we have a sensational and pivotal 2018 governor’s race evolving simultaneously. This much-anticipated gubernatorial derby will be affected by the preliminary Senate horse race. The political landscape has changed dramatically with the decisive move by new Governor Kay Ivey to…
AMVFW Auxiliary works for veterans, appreciates support
To the editor: The Atmore Memorial VFW Auxiliary to Post 7016 would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to those who continue to support our veterans, their families, our community, and our organization. The Auxiliary year runs from June 1st through May 31st; we are wrapping up the 2016-2017 year and have already begun to plan for 2017-2018. We would like for our community to know that…