EditorialSubmitted Article

Be proactive to avoid being scammed
By Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall It’s sad to say, but news reports of consumer fraud are so common these days that many people simply ignore them. If you’ve already been targeted by consumer fraud, you are not alone. Alabama is ranked number six in the country in the total number of consumer complaints reported to the Federal Trade Commission’s Consumer Sentinel Network during 2016. Our state also ranks among the…
Inside the Statehouse
By Steve Flowers There is a proven theory espoused by political scholars that has prevailed in southern political history for decades. The premier political scholar, Dr. V. O. Key, first illustrated this repetitious theme that has weaved its way through the southern electorate. He called it “Friends and Neighbors” politics. It is not a complicated hypothesis. It simply means that southerners tend to vote for someone from their neck of…
This younger generation
“What’s this younger generation coming to?!” I’m sure you’ve heard that before … and probably said it yourself. Well, if you’d been at the Distinguished Young Women program Saturday night, you’d see what this generation is coming to. Fifteen young ladies did fitness routines, performed talent selections, and answered questions in front of an auditorium full of people. I kept thinking, “I could never do that.” Not at that age,…
‘Buy America’ policies good for Alabama
By Congressman Bradley Byrne President Trump recently devoted a week to celebrating the importance of “Made in America” products with special events at the White House. I was pleased to see the President shining a spotlight on the many first-class items produced here in the United States. I often meet with manufacturing leaders from across Alabama during their visits to Washington, D.C. or during visits to their facilities back in…
The Rollin’ Thunder
By Pia Gorme When you come to OWA, the first thing that will probably grab your attention is the huge, blue roller coaster in the center of the Park, the Rollin’ Thunder. At least for me, when I arrived at OWA last Thursday for the Media Showcase with Ms. Sherry, Ms. Myrna, and my papa, that was the case. I decided if I was going to get on at least…