EditorialSubmitted Article

Getting around the district
By Congessman Bradley Byrne Each August, Members of Congress head back to their home states for a District Work Period. I use this time to travel throughout my district and interact with the people I represent in Congress. These District Work Periods are jammed packed with multiple stops a day, plenty of time in the car, and important conversations with constituents. To help explain just how busy these weeks can…
By Harvey H. (“Hardy”) Jackson Saw where a Beagle named Ono won the top dog prize at the Westminster Kennel Club dog do-rah. Good for Ono. Good for Beagles. Reading this I paused to reflect on dogs I have known and loved. Now I’m not opposed to cats. They are OK. But, well, it’s like when this cat took up at my house and I tried to give it to…
Inside the Statehouse
By Steve Flowers Folks, we are getting down to the proverbial lick log in the much-anticipated vote for the open U.S. Senate seat vacated by Jeff Sessions. After 20 years in the U.S. Senate as our junior U.S. Senator, Sessions left to become Donald Trump’s Attorney General. He probably regrets this decision. When the race began it looked like a Roy Moore vs. Luther Strange race. However, the third outside…
Great summer reading program at APL
To the editor: The Atmore Public Library’s summer reading program, “Build A Better World” was a great success with a total attendance of 763 children and 347 adults. The Children checked out 2,161 books during the eight-week program. Many of these books were purchased with funds from PCI, Library Partners, City of Atmore, United Fund, and Pepsi. We are very grateful for their support. We could not have such a…
Cutting through the noise
By Congressman Bradley Byrne There has been a lot of noise coming out of Washington and in the national news media. If you listen to all the noise, you would think the only thing happening in our nation’s capital is staffing drama at the White House and an ongoing Russia investigation. Those topics consume the national headlines day in and day out. Sadly, that narrative does not match the reality…