EditorialSubmitted Article

What Mike Sentance supporters don’t understand
By Larry Lee One thing that strikes me is that of the people writing op-eds and beating the drum in support of [State Superintendent of Education] Mike Sentance, I have yet to come across one who is an educator. In fact I well recall about a year ago when I tried and tried to get one of his most vocal backers to go with me to visit a school in the…
Inside the Statehouse
By Steve Flowers When the race for the open Jeff Sessions seat began, it appeared to be a Roy Moore versus Luther Strange contest. Well folks, that’s how it ended last Tuesday. We’ve got a runoff between our Ten Commandments Judge, Roy Moore, and Big Luther Strange. Roy Moore has been around Alabama politics for a while now. Alabamians know who he is and what he stands for. He has…
Preserving our heritage while embracing our brothers and sisters
To the editor: “God forgive them for they know not what they do.” A sad day when our president defends the white supremacists, KKK, neo-nazists. In the late 1940s and 1950s, I can remember the “activities” of the KKK in our area. The members, you today would be surprised, astounded, and appalled. The president has created an atmosphere of tolerance and support for white supremacists. My America will not condone…
Getting around the district
By Congessman Bradley Byrne Each August, Members of Congress head back to their home states for a District Work Period. I use this time to travel throughout my district and interact with the people I represent in Congress. These District Work Periods are jammed packed with multiple stops a day, plenty of time in the car, and important conversations with constituents. To help explain just how busy these weeks can…
By Harvey H. (“Hardy”) Jackson Saw where a Beagle named Ono won the top dog prize at the Westminster Kennel Club dog do-rah. Good for Ono. Good for Beagles. Reading this I paused to reflect on dogs I have known and loved. Now I’m not opposed to cats. They are OK. But, well, it’s like when this cat took up at my house and I tried to give it to…