EditorialSubmitted Article

Inside the Statehouse
By Steve Flowers  Jefferson County is transitioning from a Republican to a Democratic county. In the process, they are having an interesting array of intriguing political happenings. You may recall that a few months back I wrote about the indictment of the newly elected Jefferson County District Attorney, Charles Todd Henderson, on perjury charges. To say a lot has happened since then would be an understatement. Dr. Robert Bentley has…
Blessed to have our mayor
To the editor: On Friday afternoon, I called Mayor Jim Staff and asked if someone from the city could come pick up a huge pile of limbs and shrubs we’d had cut on Tuesday. I knew the pile of limbs and leaves would likely clog street drains. During rain storms, Laurel Street often floods near Presley. Mayor Staff had a truck at our home within ten minutes of my call…
A tax cut for working families
By Congressman Bradley Byrne A lot has changed in our country since 1986. Ronald Reagan was President, Top Gun was a hit at the box offices, and Matlock had just premiered on television. One thing that hasn’t changed since then? The tax code. 1986 was the last time we had meaningful tax reform in this country, and that is a shame. The current tax code does not match the realities…
Responding to the Equifax data breach
By Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall Two months ago, I began my column with the lament that consumer fraud has become so common that many people just don’t pay enough attention to protecting themselves. However, the public is now paying attention. About the same time that I wrote those words, one of the largest credit reporting agencies in the country detected a major data breach, potentially affecting 143 million people.…
Inside the Statehouse
By Steve Flowers Judge Roy Moore and his wife, Kayla, made their traditional horseback ride to their voting place in Gallant in Etowah County last Tuesday and when all the votes were counted that night, they won a resounding victory. Moore’s capture of the GOP Senate nomination was impressive. A 55-45 margin is not a total trouncing, but is considered a landslide. Despite being outspent by the Washington establishment 15-to-1,…