EditorialSubmitted Article

Inside the Statehouse
By Steve Flowers I have written about the legendary capitol reporters who use to cover Goat Hill. There was Bob Ingram of the Montgomery Advertiser, Al Fox of the Birmingham News, Hugh Sparrow of the Birmingham News, Rex Thomas of the Associated Press, Don Martin of UPI and Clarke Stallworth of the Birmingham Post Herald. A young cub reporter named Jim Bennett joined the Post Herald in 1961 and later…
Time to dust off prized instrument
By Nina Keenam I placed the case on the coffee table, flipped up the latches, and removed the instrument. I couldn’t help smiling as I ran my hand down the beautiful smooth wood. There are five or six dulcimers in my house, but this one had been my husband’s favorite. If I close my eyes, I can imagine him sitting in his recliner with a dulcimer in his lap, strumming…
The State of our Union is strong
By Congressman Bradley Byrne Last Tuesday, President Donald Trump came before Congress and the American people to deliver his first State of the Union Address. President Trump presented an optimistic, unifying vision for the United States and called on Republicans and Democrats to work together for the betterment of America. Many people have described the speech as a “pep rally for America,” and I tend to agree with that analysis.…
The red hot mess politicians have heaped on our schools
By Larry Lee Politicians, particularly Senate majority leader Del Marsh and Rep. Terri Collins seem to have gone out of their way to tear down our public schools and paint a picture that is nowhere close to accurate. P.T. Barnum could never have created the circus we now have throughout the state thanks to legislation these good folks sponsored in 2012 and 2013. In 2012 Terri Collins passed a bill to…
Inside the Statehouse
By Steve Flowers A few weeks back my column illuminated the career and influence attained by our senior U.S. Senator Richard Shelby. In the column and in my book, Six Decades of Alabama Political Stories, I reference the fact that our current senior senator will be regarded as one of Alabama’s greatest U.S. Senators. I consider Lister Hill, John Sparkman, and Richard Shelby in that triumvirate. However, history more than…