EditorialSubmitted Article

The ‘other’ duties of a Congressman
By Congressman Bradley Byrne If someone asked you what a Congressman does on a daily basis, I can imagine what would come to your mind: voting on bills, attending committee hearings, holding meetings with others in Washington, and lots of time debating and arguing. Those are in fact major parts of the job, but there is so much more that goes into serving the people of Southwest Alabama. I want…
Inside the Statehouse
By Steve Flowers The 2018 legislative session will be short and sweet. It is an election year. Historically, during the last year of a quadrennium, the legislature convenes early and passes the budgets, then goes home and campaigns for reelection to another four-year term. Our forefathers, who wrote our 1901 Constitution, must have been thinking the same thing because they designed for the fourth year of the quadrennium legislative session…
It is true, time changes everything.
By Nina Keenam Nothing exists there anymore. All the houses that hung precariously on the hilltops and lined the roads are gone. So are the company store, the Southern Railway Deport and the post office. No sign of them today. Just trees. And weeds, with a few wildflowers here and there. I couldn’t even decide on which hilltop an elementary school I attended for a year was located. All those…
Transparency and accountability in Congress
By Congressman Bradley Byrne Last year, the country was shocked to learn terrible stories of sexual harassment taking place in the halls of Congress. The stories themselves were horrific, but even worse was the fact that some Members of Congress used taxpayer money to pay settlements. Prior to coming to Congress, I worked for 30 years as a labor and employment attorney in Alabama, so I have a background in…
Protect sanctity of marriage from gov’t intrusion
By Senator Greg Albritton Like most Alabamians, I believe that God established the institution of marriage for the benefit of mankind. Indeed, His purpose was to begin the human family within His bonds of marriage, as a holy union. Then government stole marriage, for its own purposes. A classic example is Henry VIII, who established his own church in order to achieve the destruction of his marriage. Henry is not…