EditorialSubmitted Article

Making progress for America
These days, it is hard to turn on the television or log onto the Internet without being bombarded with the latest “news” of what is happening in Washington. The media gives far too much attention to names like Stormy Daniels and Roseanne instead of focusing on the wide range of substantive issues being debated in Congress each week. While it is easy to get distracted by all of the “noise,”…
The push for a balanced budget
By Congressman Bradley Byrne When the 115th Congress kicked off last January, I immediately introduced a bill that I believe is fundamental to the future of our country: a Balanced Budget Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The premise of a Balanced Budget Amendment is pretty straightforward. The federal government should not be allowed to spend more than we take in, except in extraordinary circumstances like a time of war. This…
Mirrors can reflect big changes in time
By Nina Keenam One morning I got up earlier than usual, showered, ate breakfast, got dressed, hurriedly dabbed a little make up on my face, and drove uptown to take care of an errand. On my way home, I decided to stop in at a supermarket that was having a close-out sale. My shopping expedition must have taken at least an hour and a half, while I moved up and…
Inside the Statehouse
By Steve Flowers Our antiquated 1901 Constitution was designed to give inordinate power to the Legislature. During the Wallace years, the King of Alabama politics, George Wallace, usurped this power and controlled the Legislature from the Executive Branch of Government. Over the last couple of decades the Legislature has wrestled this power back and pretty much excluded the Governor from their bailiwick. Governors Bob Riley and Robert Bentley were ostracized…
Three dogs have we
By Harvey H. (“Hardy”) Jackson  Some time back two distinguished members of our local religious community offered their opinions on whether or not dogs have souls. Well, if my vote counts for anything, I cast mine with the one who concluded that yes, they do. More to the point, I agree with Mark Twain who observed that “Heaven goes by favor. If it went by merit, you would stay out…