EditorialSubmitted Article

Conservative policies are working
Rarely in today’s world of instant communication and “the loudest voice wins” politics do we hear positive stories in the news cycle. Now, though, I would like to draw attention to a story that has proven to be good news, but has, for the most part, not received the coverage it deserves: conservative policies are working. In the past two years, the Republican-controlled Congress has passed over 1,000 bills out…
Water infrastructure vital to Alabama’s economy
There are very few places in the United States that can boast the sort of diverse infrastructure we have here in Alabama. There are 11 interstates, over 3,000 miles of freight rail, five commercial airports, and more than 132,000 miles of rivers and stream channels in our state. One of our state’s most important pieces of infrastructure is the Port of Mobile, the 10th largest port and fastest growing container…
Fighting for those who fight for us
When we go to bed at night, whether we think about it or not, we are safe knowing that our servicemen and women stand at the ready throughout the world; ready to defend our nation, our values, and us here at home. But, without the appropriate funding, our military does not have the necessary equipment and resources to get the job done. I am proud to report, thanks to the…
SUPPORT in times of crisis
One of the things we pride ourselves on as Alabamians is taking care of each other. Not only should this mean we take care of those we know or our next-door neighbors, it should also mean taking care of all those throughout our region, especially those experiencing hardships. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, anywhere from 115 to nearly 200 Americans die every day from an opioid…
What is Tax Reform 2.0?
Since Congress passed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act last year, the American economy is booming, and Alabama families have more money in their pockets. By lowering taxes and simplifying the tax code, we have unlocked our economic potential and made life better for hardworking Americans. The economic numbers speak for themselves: higher wages, lower unemployment, more jobs, bigger paychecks, employee bonuses, and much more. Under the Tax Cuts and…