EditorialSubmitted Article

Celebrating Alabama’s workers
Labor Day is a wonderful time to celebrate Alabama’s exceptional working men and women. From Tennessee River Valley engineers to Black Belt farmers and Gulf Coast shipbuilders, our workers are powering an economic boom that has reduced unemployment and raised wages. President Trump and his commitment towards prioritizing and empowering American workers continue to pay dividends in our state. Commonsense pro-growth strategies like slashing unnecessary regulations and reducing taxes are…
We must stand with Israel
Israel means so much to our nation. The American people have no better friend. As the only democracy in the volatile Middle East, Israel is one of our greatest partners on the global stage. And Israel, particularly Jerusalem, holds a close personal significance to many Americans of different faiths. Israel is a very special place to my wife and me. Four years ago, Rebecca and I traveled together to the…
To end violence, return to American values
The recent violence in our country – and the passionate debates it has sparked – have led me to reflect on the emotional state of our country and the battle being waged between good and evil. I thought back to comments I gave earlier this year at a naturalization ceremony. These new citizens were gifted with the opportunity to forge for themselves a new American identity, complete with all its…
A Washington success story
One of the first actions I took after being elected in 2013 was to visit all the hospitals in Southwest Alabama. Big and small, rural and urban, I visited them all. And I spoke directly with doctors and hospital leadership about issues they and their communities faced. I did this because the importance of hospitals to the communities they serve is so great. When industries look at potential locations to…
Through media attacks, border agents continue fight
The border agents, military and law enforcement personnel at our southern border are doing their best in difficult circumstances to combat both illegal immigration and attacks from Democrats and the national media. Today I’ll discuss the second half of my recent border visit. After inspecting several points of entry and other spots along the border, our delegation traveled to Fort Bliss outside of El Paso to the Joint Task Force…