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Why I’m running for reelection
Congressman Jerry Carl A few short years ago, my wife Tina and I watched our son return from active combat in Afghanistan, and we noticed he struggled to deal with the complicated Veterans Affairs (VA) health care system. I told Tina if I ever had a chance to improve this system and do more for our nation’s veterans, I would. Soon after, I launched my campaign for the United States…
My first year in Congress
Congressman Jerry Carl Next Monday marks exactly one year since I was sworn in to represent Alabama’s First District in the 117th Congress. It’s hard to believe a year has passed by already, but I’m proud of the work we’ve done this past year, and I am excited to continue serving in 2022.Although serving in a Democrat-controlled Congress with Nancy Pelosi in charge can be challenging and frustrating, I’ve remained…
The National Defense Budget is a win for South Alabama and the United States
Congressman Jerry Carl For the better part of this year, Congress has been working to pass the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which sets the budget for the Department of Defense (DOD), nuclear weapons program of the Department of Energy, DOD elements of the intelligence community, and other defense activities in various departments. It also offers defense policy and restrictions as well as addressing administrative issues in the armed forces.Although…
Biden’s border crisis continues
Congressman Jerry Carl I’ve written several times this year about the crisis at our southern border, and it seems like the crisis is even worse each time I write about it. Since day one in office, fixing the illegal immigration crisis has been a top priority for me. I’ve cosponsored countless pieces of legislation to address the problem, and I’ve been to the border to see the crisis firsthand. Despite…
December madness in Congress
Congressman Jerry Carl While December is traditionally a busy month in Congress, this December is likely to be one of the busiest in recent years. For months, critical deadlines have been approaching, but the Democrat-controlled Congress has wasted time focusing on social issues and their ridiculous “Build Back Better” agenda, instead of doing its basic duties. As a result, Congress now has very little time to tackle some huge issues:…