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The House continues failing to fulfill its basic duties
Congressman Jerry Carl One of the basic duties of the House of Representatives is to keep the federal government properly funded. Keeping the federal government funded and running is important for so many reasons, but it is especially critical for keeping our nation safe and secure from threats across the globe.Unfortunately, this Democrat-led House continues to kick the can down the road by not passing a proper budget for the…
South Alabama continues leading as an aerospace hub
Congressman Jerry Carl Whether it’s Austal Shipyard in Mobile, Fort Rucker in the Wiregrass, Maxwell-Gunter Airforce Base in Montgomery, or Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama’s contributions to our nation’s military strength and defense programs are critical to national security. South Alabama has been a hub of the aerospace industry for many years, and now – thanks to a partnership between Airbus and Lockheed Martin – we have the opportunity to…
The world is safer when America leads …but Biden’s leadership is missing on the world stage
Congressman Jerry Carl Serving as a member of the House Armed Services Committee, I’ve seen firsthand how President Biden’s lack of a clear and coherent foreign policy and his weak leadership on the global stage is putting the United States and our Allies at risk. Following on the heels of the horrible withdrawal from Afghanistan, it is clear the President is willing to let bad actors and terrorists take the…
Where is President Biden?
Congressman Jerry Carl I’m a firm believer that when the President of the United States – whether they’re a Democrat or a Republican – does well, the American people benefit. Regardless of party, we should all pray for guidance, wisdom, and leadership from our president, as well as all elected officials.Unfortunately, as I look back over President Biden’s first year in office, I ask myself, “Where is President Biden, and…
What to expect from Congress in 2022
Congressman Jerry Carl The House returns to Washington this week to begin the second session of the 117th Congress. Last year was a jam-packed legislative year as the Democratic Majority rammed through quite a bit of terrible legislation in the House. Thankfully, the Senate blocked or slowed down the majority of the junk passed by the House. A great example of this is Build Back Better, which is President Biden’s…