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A future that’s built on freedom
Congressman Jerry Carl There’s no doubt the United States of America is the greatest country on the planet, and I think it all stems from us being a country founded on freedom for all. The challenge for all of us is to preserve and protect this freedom for generations to come, instead of taking it for granted. One of my main motivators for getting involved in politics was to do…
Foreign investment in American farmland is a threat to National Security
Congressman Jerry Carl Foreign-controlled United States farmland presents serious national security risks to our nation, including the potential for a foreign country such as China to have a massive control over U.S. food production, pricing, and supply chains. We need to work at the local, state, and federal level to learn more about the seriousness of the issue.According to the United States Department of Agriculture, foreign ownership of U.S. farmland…
Lions learn about loans
Bryan Chandler Special to Atmore News The Atmore Lions Club met Wednesday, October 5, in the fellowship hall of First Baptist Church. Lions Club President Chuck Brooks presided and led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. He also gave the blessing. Marlo Young was introduced as a guest to the 18 members and guests who were present.Lion Patty Davis introduced our speaker for the meeting, Bryan Chandler who is…
Meet the real homecoming Princess
EA Homecoming Court, from left, bottom, Jaden Hubert and Ella Rose Cannon; middle, Abby-Kate Helton, Tiffany Gookin, Kadence Kolbe; top, Rihanna Crook, Tava Johnson, Ana Chesley Robinson. By BONNIE BARTEL LATINOSpecial to Atmore News The young ladies in this photo are the female students elected to this year’s Escambia Academy Homecoming Court. [September 30].I don’t know the name of even one of them. They are all darling. However, my interest is this pic focuses on the…
We need to do more for student athlete mental health
Congressman Jerry Carl Across this nation, nearly 8 million high school students are currently participating in athletics, and nearly half a million college students compete as National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) athletes. Last year, the NCAA surveyed 9,800 student athletes and found these athletes are reporting higher-than-average levels of mental health issues. Even worse, a third of those who took the survey said they did not know where to find…