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Congress is demanding answers on China’s spy balloon
Congressman Jerry Carl Two weeks ago on Tuesday, January 31, President Biden was briefed on the existence of a Chinese spy balloon but made the choice not to shoot it down, even though he had confirmation it was being used to spy on Americans. The following Thursday, officials acknowledged the Chinese spy balloon had been seen flying over Montana near a nuclear reactor site and several sensitive military locations. At…
New opportunities
Congressman Jerry Carl When I was sworn in for my first term in Congress a little over two years ago, I worked hard to get on two great committees where I could serve our district well and do my best to make a difference in Washington. The two committees I was selected to serve on were the House Natural Resources Committee and the House Armed Services Committee. I’m proud of…
It’s time to rein in reckless spending
Congressman Jerry Carl The United States of America is $31.4 trillion in debt. By the time you read this, it’ll be even higher. For context, $31.4 trillion is more than the value of the economies of China, Japan, Germany, and the United Kingdom combined. It amounts to $236,000 of debt per household or $93,000 in debt for each person in America. If every family in America set aside $1,000 a…
Unleashing American energy production
Congressman Jerry Carl On day one of Biden’s presidency, he went to war with American energy. As a result, all of us have been paying more at the pump for the past two years. The Administration has finger pointed at everyone else – even blaming Vladimir Putin – for higher gas prices, even though gas prices were already skyrocketing months before Russia invaded Ukraine. The rise in energy costs is…
The House is functioning again
Congressman Jerry Carl For the past two years, the House of Representatives has not functioned as it should. We’ve had proxy voting since the start of the pandemic, much of the Capitol has been closed off to the public for months at a time, and Democrats’ mismanagement of the House brought terrible changes to the way Congress does business.Thankfully, Republicans immediately passed a rules package to restore integrity and commonsense…