Submitted Article

Congressman Jerry Carl I’ve written twice in the last few months about the broken justice system that is unfairly targeting President Trump for exercising his First Amendment rights, while overlooking and distracting from Hunter Biden’s shady business dealings. Since then, the attacks on President Trump have gotten even worse, and we’ve continued finding out more about Joe Biden’s knowledge of and involvement in his son’s criminal activity.Despite the Left’s attempts…
Supporting election integrity
Congressman Jerry Carl Last Congress, the Democrats made it their top priority to radically transform our elections by taking election decisions away from the people and giving more power to bureaucrats. Their so-called For the People Act would utilize taxpayer money to fund campaigns, legalize ballot harvesting, weaponize the IRS for political gain, and automatically give felons the right to vote. This was a horrible bill that no serious elected…
Broken immigration system
Congressman Jerry Carl America’s border crisis is out of control, and it’s impacting all of us whether we realize it or not. Since Joe Biden took office, there have been more than 6 million illegal encounters at our southern border, and that number continues increasing every single day. It’s not a mystery why the southern border is absolute chaos. Since day one, the Biden administration has dismantled or refused to…
Volunteers needed for a Habitat build in Atmore
By LISA TINDELLSpecial to Atmore News In just a few weeks, Escambia County Habitat for Humanity will begin a new build in our county and the group is looking for volunteers to help in the project.HFH Director Shae Hines said volunteer labor helps to keep costs down when a home is built or renovated by the organization.“We pass along expenses of building a home, or remodeling a home for our…
6 months of results
Congressman Jerry Carl Last November, the American people elected a Republican House Majority after two years of the Democrats’ failed agenda. I’m proud to say we have delivered already on so many of our promises, and we’re just 6 months into the Republican House Majority.One of our first promises was strengthening our economy and getting it back on track. So far, we have passed H.R. 1 to lower energy costs…