Sherry Digmon

What does a pandemic do?
What does a pandemic do? It changes things. And it cancels things. For the past several years, the fourth Saturday in July has been a busy one for Atmore News and for Myrna and me personally. Usually Don or Ditto – or both – cover the Unity in the Community event at Grace Fellowship. It’s a big to-do with games, activities, information, food, entertainment, school uniforms and supplies. It’s a…
School reopening plan released
By SHERRY DIGMON News Publisher Last Friday, July 10, Escambia County Superintendent of Education John Knott, with the approval of the Board of Education, released the Back to School 2020-2021 Plan for Reopening Overview. The document is 11 pages long and it is what it says – an overview. Detailed – and lengthier – documents are provided to school principals for guidance and implementation. The plan was presented to the…
EA holds cheer camp – alone
EA squad at camp, from left, front, Arial Curry, Lillian Bonner, Meg Davis (UCA instructor), LaKrystal Turner, Gabrielle Williams; back, Tava Johnson, Kayleigh Jay, Ansley Brantley, Ana Chesley Robinson, Mary Ruth Dortch, Ty’Leaha James By SHERRY DIGMON News Publisher Every year, the Escambia Academy cheerleaders participate in the Universal Cheerleader Association (UCA) camp. It’s a summertime tradition, attending a camp with numerous other squads, competing, learning new cheers and routines,…
Why is wearing a mask so difficult for some?
I don’t much like wearing a seatbelt. Sometimes it feels like it’s choking me when it gets near my throat. But I adjust it and keep going. Even if it were not a law, I’d wear my seatbelt because I have a better chance of surviving an accident if I have it on. And if you and I are in a crash, I hope you would have your seatbelt on…
Distinguished Young Women different this year
By SHERRY DIGMON News Publisher Later this month, hundreds of people should be gathering in Woodfin Patterson Auditorium on the campus of Coastal Alabama Community College in Brewton. Should be gathering, but won’t. This year, the coronavirus has affected the Distinguished Young Women program as it has most other events. Coordinators Suzanne Barnett and Molly Barnett have had to be creative in continuing the program at all this year. “We…