Sherry Digmon

ECMS NJHS inducts 15 new members
The ECMS National Junior Honor Society. Front left is Assistant Superintendent Sandra Reid. Front right is Chapter Advisor Tyler Parker. By SHERRY DIGMONNews Publisher Fifteen students were inducted in the Escambia County Middle School National Junior Honor Society Wednesday, November 17. during a pledge and pinning ceremony.Current members talked on the five standards of NJHS – Scholarship, Service, Leadership, Character, and Citizenship. New members pledged to uphold these standards.Current members…
Honoring Dean Graham
Dean Graham Chapter President Leslie Sellers, right, presents the Order of the Golden Rose Certificate in Dean Graham’s honor to Gayle Carpenter, left, and Anne Sherill, center. By SHERRY DIGMONNews Publisher Members of the Gamma Omega Chapter of The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International honored a longtime member and friend at their meeting Thursday, October 7. Past Chapter and State President Nancy Karrick conducted a Ceremony of Remembrance for Dean…
David Nolin passes
Nolin By SHERRY DIGMONNews Publisher David Nolin devoted his career to public education. He was a teacher, an administrator, a mentor, and a Board of Education member. To many, he was all that, plus he was Coach Nolin.Following the news of Nolin’s death on September 2, comments on the Atmore News Facebook page reflected the impact he had on lives in the Flomaton and Atmore areas. Several people commented on…
‘Sound of Music’ still a go
Andrew Willis as Captain Von Trapp, Ellen Johnson as Maria Von Trapp By SHERRY DIGMONNews Publisher Due to a Covid outbreak in the cast, the Greater Escambia Council for the Art’s “Sound of Music” performances scheduled for August 26 through 29 were rescheduled for September 16 through 19.GECA board president Sharon Poulsen said Monday, August 30, the production is still on for the September dates.Tickets are sold through the GECA…
BOE extends COVID-19 sick pay
By SHERRY DIGMON News Publisher Sick pay for absence due to COVID-19 was extended for employees of the Escambia County school system at the board meeting Friday, August 27. These benefits were paid last year but were not available this school year until now. The board approved a resolution for the extension of COVID-19 Emergency Paid Sick Leave  under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act extended under the American Recovery…