Sherry Digmon

Ribbon cutting for Fehr
The Chamber of Commerce hosted a ribbon cutting for Fehr Paint Contracting Friday, March 10. Shown are, from left, kneeling, David Weber, Makala Lee, Stephen Gehman, Bub Gideons; middle, Brandy Giger, Jordan Barnett, John Sirmon, Marie Smith, Charles Smith, Noah Fehr (in front of Charles), Chris Fehr, Brandy Turk Fehr holding Emma, Carolyn Turk, Susanne Sirmon; back, Ellis Beachy, Anna Marie Johnson, Chris Singleton, Myrna Monroe, Donna Gilman, Mallorie Beachy.
The nature of a coaching job
It’s the nature of the job. If you’re the coach and your team doesn’t win, you’re gone. True at all levels – all the way to the pros. Former Head Coach Royce Young recently got caught in this situation. With a 4-26 record at Escambia County High School in three years, he expected he would not be back next year. And sure enough, when Principal Dennis Fuqua told him he…
Plethora of pancakes
There may have been a record number of folks who came out for Trinity Episcopal Church’s Shrove Tuesday pancake supper, February 28. Good food – plenty of pancakes and sausage – and good fellowship made for a great evening. Shown are, from left, cooks Floyd Adams and Carl Madison, and Bob Coleman. All are part of the Men of Trinity which hosts the supper each year.