Atmore News

UB donates to UF
Each year United Bank employees pledge their support for United Fund of Atmore through payroll deduction. To support its employees and the UF, United Bank Charitable Foundation matched UB employee donations dollar for dollar. On February 22, Emilee Waters presented a check on behalf of the United Bank Charitable Foundation for $771.66 to the UF Board representing ​the 2016 employee match. Shown are, from left, Emilee Waters, and UF board members Jordan Barnett…
DRA awards $200K for Rivercane access road
Delta Regional Authority announced Thursday, February 23, that the city of Atmore had been awarded a $200,000 grant to help develop the Rivercane Industrial Park, a project that includes the expansion of Huntsville-based Brown Precision to the Atmore area. The DRA grant is in addition to approximately $1.9 million in EDA grant funds the city received in 2016 for the project. The city also received approximately $1.6 million from the…
ACM Pre-K registration under way
Alabama’s nationally recognized First Class Pre-K is now accepting applications for the 2017-2018 school year at A. C. Moore Elementary School. Enrollment is open to all children who will be 4 years old by Sept. 1, 2017. Open registration will be held March 1-31. Applicants must register online. School code 781430 Pre-registration Form in English = Pre-registration Form in Spanish = Completed on-line registration plus most recent utility…
BOE approves personnel recommendations
The Escambia County Board of Education approved the following personnel recommendations by Superintendent John Knott at the regular meeting Thursday, February 23. Leave of absence 1. Andrea Salter, teacher, W.S. Neal Middle School, leave of absence, effective January 3, 2017 through February 10, 2017 2. Megan Moye, teacher, W.S. Neal Elementary School, leave of absence, effective ½ day January 17, 2017 3. Cheyanne Wilson, teacher, Rachel Patterson Elementary School, maternity…
Bicentennial Proclamation
WHEREAS, the United States Congress created the Alabama Territory from the eastern half of the Mississippi Territory on March 3, 1817; and, WHEREAS, by 1819, the birth and growth of cities, towns, and communities in the Alabama Territory ensured that the population of the Territory had developed sufficiently to achieve the minimum number of inhabitants required by Congress to qualify for Statehood; and, WHEREAS, the United States Congress and President…