Atmore News

Locals urged to mine their historic gold
After an emotional ceremony during which a historical marker commemorating the contributions made by Escambia County Training School was unveiled, the ensuing black heritage program at Atmore City Hall was almost anticlimactic. The program featured a brief history of Rosenwald schools delivered by Elvin Lang, vice-chair of the Alabama Black Heritage Council, followed by the keynote address, which was presented by noted black historian, media consultant and author Dr. Richard…
State, local burn bans lifted
Heavy rains that have fallen over the past several days have diminished the threat of wildfires, prompting Gov. Robert Bentley to lift the ban against outdoor burning that had been in effect statewide since mid-October. The governor issued a “No Burn Order” in response to the worsening of drought conditions across the state. Alabama Forestry Commission reports show that 3,660 wildfires have burned more than 49,000 acres in the state…
Firefighters, superheroes join forces
If you went to the local Walmart Saturday, December 3, you probably noticed the two fire trucks sitting over on the side of the parking lot. You might have noticed a red trailer parked near the front door. But what would really have caught your attention were the Atmore firefighters and their friends, a group of superheroes. AFD Lt. Daniel White knows Batman and asked him about coming to Atmore…