Atmore News

Clean sweep
The Escambia Academy Cougars baseball team hold a broom indicating their sweep, winning two games in a row of the first round of the playoffs Friday, April 21. EA won the first game against Russell Christian Academy 9-0, and the second game 13-11. EA moves on to the second round of playoffs against Macon East there this Friday. Shown are, from left, front, Heath Sheldt, Jackson Bonner, Pate Robinson, Fred…
Doolittle needs help to attend medical leaders congress
Brooke Doolittle, a sophomore at Escambia County High School, has the opportunity to be a delegate to the Congress of Future Medical Leaders in Lowell, Mass., June 25-27. Although she has been raising money, she is still shy of her goal and time is getting short. Her GoFundMe account – Sending Broke to Harvard – is up and running. Several past and current educators have stepped up to donate. The…
HRSA Nurse Corps scholarships available
Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) 2017 NURSE Corps Scholarship Program applications are due May 11 and information is available  online at Helpline via the Bureau of Health Workforce at 800-221-9393; additional HRSA information online at The 2017 Application and Program Guidance is available online along with pre-recorded webinars. As a student accepted or enrolled in a diploma, associate, baccalaureate, or graduate degree nursing program, you can receive…
Helping Debbie
Atmore Community Hospital Auxiliary held a bake sale and raffled a basket with lots of good stuff to raise money to help ACH nurse Debbie Rutherford who is battling cancer. Linda Lowrey won the raffle. Members of the Auxiliary are shown with Debbie, from left, Ernestine Arnold, Judy Rathsack, Thelma Grant, Sarah Hall, Debbie Rutherford, Marlene Forester, Patsy Brown, and Hazel Rolin.
Combined band concert set
Escambia County High School Band Director Hayley Cockrell announced that world famous composer Stephen Melillo is coming to Escambia County to work with band students. Melillo has been nominated numerous times for the Pulitzer Prize in music and has won three Telly and Ava awards for his visualized concerts. Cockrell has had the honor of recording for him twice with Troy University’s symphonic band. Students from Escambia County High School,…